29 Roses Bouquet
  • 29 Roses Bouquet

Special bouquet of 29 roses to send at home

A great bouquet of 29 roses as this one you will only find in teleROSA because we are specialize in roses and bouquets and we have demand of various amounts of roses that we customize for customer satisfaction.

A large bouquet with 29 roses has a great emotional potential, the number 29 is proof of this as it has connotations charismatic and adventurous as our customers whom buy frequently.

Offer bouquet of roses 29

Our roses always with outstanding quality. teleROSA can be your regular florist from our suppliers we adjust the price and we will pass on to our customers, where all win. For that, you must make your request in advance.


29 Roses Bouquet

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 92.90 €Iva incl.
Color of Roses: Red

Productos seleccionados

29 Roses Bouquet Red

From 92.90 €

From 92.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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We are florists since 1999


Guaranteed delivery anywhere in Spain


Fresh flowers, selected and cared for


Security in all transactions