Bouquet 16 roses
  • Bouquet 16 roses

Bouquet of 16 roses at home address in your city

The bouquet of 16 roses, an explosion of youth and rebellion, which will sprout tears teenagers at the birthday so unique. You can choose a single colour, white or pink, but also you can combine two or more colours to highlight it. Do not miss the chance to congratulate him/her such a special day with the exact amount of roses, from teleROSA florist.

Special offer of bouquet 16 roses at home address

If you anticipate your order will get a cheaper price so that you can surprise him/her at the institute, home or wherever is in the sixth birthday with a magnificent bouquet of sixteen roses. And as important as the detail is the dedication that you want to join and we will put it in an elegant sealed envelope.


Bouquet 16 roses

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 53.90 €Iva incl.
Colour/Model: Red

Productos seleccionados

Bouquet 16 roses Red

From 53.90 €

From 53.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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