White Vintage Bouquet
  • White Vintage Bouquet
  • White Vintage Bouquet

Bouquet composed of Preserved Flower and white vintage design

Decorate your home or business with this fantastic preserved flower bouquet, with a vintage design that will add elegance to any corner.


An ideal gift as a decorative element composed of wild flowers and two white roses, exclusive and novel.


These are natural plants subjected to a process that will keep their appearance for years and it will NOT need any type of maintenance.


White Vintage Bouquet

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From 59.90 €Iva incl.

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White Vintage Bouquet

From 59.90 €

From 59.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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We are florists since 1999


Guaranteed delivery anywhere in Spain


Fresh flowers, selected and cared for


Security in all transactions