Bouquet 18 red roses
  • Bouquet 18 red roses

Send 18 Red Roses to your city on Saint Valentine's Day in Spain

Bouquet of 18 roses to declare your love, affection or friendship the 14 of February, Saint Valentine's Day, lovers day par excellence, in which it is customary to give red roses as a gift for your loved one, you can also declare your love if you have just met each other.

A bouquet with 18 red roses can symbolize the age of majority, or the number of years you'd like to spend with your partner, celebrating as if it were the first day, how lucky you are to have known each other, and to share together good and bad times.

This is a gift with distinctions, because it is huge and striking, thanks to the 18 red roses in contrast to the green plants that surround them, which provide colour and variety. This bouquet is prepared in a round shape, and will delight the recipient, specially on this meaningful date. In this way, your loved one will receive all your love and affection.

Of course, it is fundamental to compose a little personal message or a love note with your name so that the recipient has no doubt who sent the gift, and can thank you in person.

You can send this product by courier to any city of peninsular Spain, using our home delivery service.

Available 18 Red Roses for home delivery in Spain

In Telerosa florist we only prepare our products with fresh and natural roses, these roses have been chosen from the best Ecuatorian Roses, grown in climatically perfect areas for their development. Moreover, these roses are manipulated with the necessary cares to keep their colour, natural condition and freshness.

You only have to place your order and we will act as an intermediary between you and the illusion of the recipient, when receiving this beautiful bouquet of 18 roses.

Choose your state and province and place your order quickly, if you have any doubts you can consult our operators using the chat in bright colours that appears on the lower part of our website.

Offer of 18 Red Roses with home delivery in Spain

As usual in Telerosa, our prices won't be an obstacle to your wishes, as you can get this product at a very affordable price and you can make your dreams of love come true on this very special day, with this beautiful gift, for very little money. And always with the guarantee that the recipient will be delighted, because the surprise is even more important than the gift.

In Telerosa florist, we send illusions, that's why we prepare this glittering bouquet of 18 red roses that, of course, can be sent anywhere with our home delivery service. Although we always let our customers know that on Saint Valentine's Day, because of the high demand for red roses, we recommend to place your order in advance, in order to avoid collapses or stock shortfalls in certain areas.

Don´t forget. Telerosa is a Factory of illusions, the ones we placet at your disposal to surprise and brighten to someone special in your life.


Bouquet 18 red roses

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 65.90 €Iva incl.
Color of Roses: Red

Productos seleccionados

Bouquet 18 red roses Red

From 65.90 €

From 65.90 €
Tax included

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