Bouquet of six Roses
  • Bouquet of six Roses

Send bouquet of 6 Roses to any city in Spain

Half dozen of roses fresh and natural, prepared in a pretty bouquet in a fan or cone-shaped accompanied by various types of green around the roses to contrast with the color of them, and wrap them in a colorful and fresh mantle.

Perfect gift to send using our service, delivery to any city in Spain and to give a great surprise for your loved one who will be delighted with this colorful gift.

You can also personalize your bouquet by choosing different colors for the roses always depending on availability, for a touch of originality and color according to your personal tastes and the message you want to convey.

With teleROSA florist can also attach a note with a private message to the receiver to express your interest or motive of your gift.

In teleROSA we look for the details...

Send bouquet of six roses to any city in Spain

Here we have a floral arrangement of 6 fresh roses chosen from the best selection of roses from Ecuador, grown in climatically perfect areas for development and handled with all the necessary care to maintain their color, naturalness and freshness, because in teleROSA florists we´re committed to quality.

A bouquet of 6 roses is the perfect gift for a lady or a gentleman. It is a direct statement of intentions but with class. This surprise will delight those who receive them.

¡Don't think and dare it! Success is possible

Offer of 6 Roses to send home in Spain

Take the opportunity and buy this product at the best price for deliver at home in Spain, it's the ideal gift that the occasion deserves. Check by yourself the immediate result. Surprise is Guaranteed...

In teleROSA florists we know how important it is and therefore we make this product with care, which of course can send home with our delivery service in your city.


Bouquet of six Roses

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 35.90 €Iva incl.
Color of Roses: Red

Productos seleccionados

Bouquet of six Roses Red

From 35.90 €

From 35.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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We are florists since 1999


Guaranteed delivery anywhere in Spain


Fresh flowers, selected and cared for


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