Bouquet of 10 Roses
  • Bouquet of 10 Roses

Bouquet of 10 Roses for home delivery in your city

Ten is a magic number and that is why in teleROSA florist could not help bring you this wonderful bouquet of 10 roses with the color you choose between the availables. You can give it on the tenth anniversary, the day when 10 months ago you met each other and even today simply because of its great price to draw a nice smile on the face of those who you are thinking.

This beautiful bouquet of 10 roses accompanied with green embroidered and decorated with cellophane and tie according to the reason of your gift, subject to availability and customs of the destination city can deliver today if desired.

To personalize this beautiful bouquet of 10 roses you can select the favourite color of the person will receive and, of course, attached a nice note of congratulations or thanks. Do not forget to sign the message so the recipient knows from who is the present.

Offer of Bouquet of 10 Roses for home delivery in Spain

In teleROSA we committed to quality and we offer this magnificent bouquet of 10 roses imported from Ecuador, where the best roses in the world are produced, especially for its branches is the most spectacular, is perfect both to give to a woman and a man, roses are also beautiful and gender do not understand why we invite you to surprise your partner with this beautiful bouquet of roses of the highest quality.

Do not forget to make your bouquet of 10 roses reach the heart of that person is very important to keep a nice message according you want to convey at that moment, try to write in no more than 20-25 of choice words, you know that good if brief, twice good.

In our chat ONLINE, you can talk directly with us using the chat live, you´ll find it in the lower left of your screen. The dialog box appears only when we are available during opening hours of the central.


Bouquet of 10 Roses

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 41.90 €Iva incl.
Colour/Model: Red

Productos seleccionados

Bouquet of 10 Roses Red

From 41.90 €

From 41.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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We are florists since 1999


Guaranteed delivery anywhere in Spain


Fresh flowers, selected and cared for


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