Lilies bouquet
  • Lilies bouquet

Lilies bouquet to send at home in Spain

Elegant bouquet of Lilies also known as Lillium, flower with great fragrance and delicate tones that in Telerosa prepare in a bouquet of several stalks, each one might have from 2 to 4 bulbs, depending on the variety available at all times, the most common colors are yellow, orange or white.

Normal Size: 5 Stems

Large Size: 7 Stems

Deluxe Size: 10 Stems

Depending on the availability and that the bulbs take a few days to open, the branch could be delivered with flower closed or bit open, if the initial presentation is closed it is not so nice but then it will open and it will last longer in optimal conditions. If you have a preference about colour or receiving more open or closed Lilies, you can indicate it in the field of comments. However, it will be finally delivered in the way available at that time.

Special Offer in bouquet of Lilies at home

We always recommend ordering in advance, this way you can benefit a cheaper price and ensure the availability of the flower because we haven't all the time all kinds of flowers and colors in all the cities of Spain.


Lilies bouquet

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 39.90 €Iva incl.
Desired size: Normal

Productos seleccionados

Lilies bouquet Normal

From 39.90 €

From 39.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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