bouquet 14 Roses
  • bouquet 14 Roses

Fourteen roses bouquet to send home today in Spain

There are magic numbers and certainly the 14th is one of them, so we have prepared this spectacular bouquet with fourteen roses that we can deliver today to whoever you want in any city in Spain.

The color or combination of colors is your choice, generally we have red, white, pink and sometimes yellow, in any case if due available reasons in the selected city have not the color you are asking, we notify you which one you prefer between the available colors, and if we do not get any answer, we replace it with the color that we consider most appropriate.

Original may not be the most appropriate adjective to define the gift of a bouquet of 14 roses, but surprisingly certainly does, probably only once in life get that person a bouquet with 14 wonderful roses, fourteen birthday or fourteenth anniversary It is the perfect day to surprise him/her with this floral explosion of color and joy.

Offer of Fourteen roses bouquet for home delivery in Spain

You will not find on the website a better offer from a spectacular bouquet of 14 roses like in teleROSA florist we will prepare, the price is very important and therefore we adjust to offer a product and service of high quality at a very competitive price. You may find cheaper and more roses bouquets, but probably you are not goint to receive the bouquet you were excepting, neither the right home delivery service.

To choose the perfect date for sending this beautiful bouquet of fourteen roses is very important, but also to know deciding the perfect place to get them it will determine to convert your bouquet into something unforgettable for that person, for the experience we have in Telerosa the most appropriate places and where more usually likes to receive the roses are in this order: where the birthday party held if any, work or study place, in a restaurant, in the salon or at home.

If you know well the person you want to surprise you need to choose a place where this person is going to be that day at least 2-3 hours, to have enough range delivery time, maybe the place where he/she can less expect to get that surprise, hence in public places where it may be accompanied by friends and / or colleagues to see that moment so special.


bouquet 14 Roses

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 55.90 €Iva incl.
Color of Roses: Red

Productos seleccionados

bouquet 14 Roses Red

From 55.90 €

From 55.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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