Blue Roses Bouquet
  • Blue Roses Bouquet
  • 6 roses blue colour
  • Ramo de 6 Rosas Azules

Send Bouquet of 6 roses in blue color with home delivery to your city in Spain

Original bouquet of 6 roses in blue color or purple and white, forming a fresh and different vegetal set has nothing to do which you have seen before. Blue tone give a nightly and fresh tone with vigour, expresing affection, trust, fidelity and much love toward the person you want to give to.

Normal Size 6 Roses

Large Size 9 Roses

Deluxe Size 12 Roses

It is not a very usual flower, and is quite limited, available normally in small units. As you can see in the potos, are available in full intense blue color or in purple and white color quite exotic, always according to the availability because, as we have commented, it is a very limited flower.

This bouquet of 6 roses in blue color, due to exclusivity, is a present which will be grateful by the person who receive it, because of distinction and differentiation with the balance of roses, although due to stock issue, is not always available.

If it is not available for your required date, once received your order we will inform you to change the delivery date if posible or change to a flower bouquet by the same Price, always with your previous knowledge and consent.

Same than balance flower products of Telerosa florist, is personalized with the printed name of the person who receive it, and also a sealed envelope to keep the confidentiality of the message you want to express.

Send Six Roses in blue color with home delivery

When you give away blue roses, as it is a different and special flower, you are transmiting without words a message to the person you sent that is an only person, also that the person is special for you because is so different to the balance persons, and also you are expresing that there is no anybody like him or her, because that person highlight between the balance same than our blue rose.

Blue is a powerful color, because it evoke freedom feeling and calm, is the colour of the sea and the night, is a generous and always transmit positive sensations.

Offer of 6 Roses in Blue color with home delivery in Spain

Here you have the opportunity to send this wonderful bouquet of 6 roses in blue color or purple and white, is a good occasion by its originality and the difficulty to get them, in Telerosa we also have good price so that you can enjoy with this special roses so limited and exclusive, which we can deliver to home address in any city.

In Telerosa florist we are witnesses of the surprise face and admiration which the delivery of our products cause in the persons who receive them, and sincerely has no price. We like our work because it gets to make us to feel grateful when we get the happiness in the face of the people, one of the best sensations in the human being. Also if we add the surprise with the blue color ot the roses, the present is totally perfect.

Don´t forget. Telerosa is a Factory of illusions, the ones we placet at your disposal to surprise and brighten to someone special in your life.


Blue Roses Bouquet

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1 Destination
From 39.90 €Iva incl.
Desired size: Normal

Productos seleccionados

Blue Roses Bouquet Normal

From 39.90 €

From 39.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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We are florists since 1999


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