Funeral Bouquet of Roses of Telerosa, consists of 12 roses or more if your select them as a complement, accompanied by flowers and seasonal green and a band where we print your condolences, normally is prepared in a fan shape one side, more appropriate to put on the coffin.
However if you prefer looking two sides is also possible to prepare it in that way, you should only indicate it in the comments and also you can specidy the colour of roses you prefer, usually we have red, pink and white, in season autumn and winter we also can have them in yellow color.
If there is any problem with the preferences that you have indicated us we will notify you.
Funeral bouquet of 12 roses available for urgent delivery in mortuaries, home addresses and cemeteries throughout Spain, even on the same day.
Select destination for total price
We are florists since 1999
Guaranteed delivery anywhere in Spain
Fresh flowers, selected and cared for
Security in all transactions