Vintage Rose Bouquet
  • Vintage Rose Bouquet
  • Vintage Rose Bouquet

Bouquet prepared with Preserved Flower and pink vintage design

Decorate your home or business with this fantastic preserved flower bouquet, with a vintage and cozy design.


An ideal gift as a decorative element composed of wild flowers and two pink roses that enhance its romantic style with pastel tones, the star palette that will give sweetness to any corner.


These are natural plants that have undergone a preservation process that will keep them looking for years and it will NOT need any type of maintenance.


Vintage Rose Bouquet

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From 59.90 €Iva incl.

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Vintage Rose Bouquet

From 59.90 €

From 59.90 €
Tax included

Any questions? 900 26 40 88

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We are florists since 1999


Guaranteed delivery anywhere in Spain


Fresh flowers, selected and cared for


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